The expedition is OVER!
WHAT: You've Been Left Behind Expedition 4
WHEN: Departs at 1400 (ish) GMT 5 August 2023 (Saturday)
WHERE: Departs the Devane system on Fleet Carrier - Wizards Nest (RZH-33N) - Destination system HD 76133
WHAT TO BRING: Exploration ship, Shooty Shooty ship
RETURNING: 15 or 16 August 2023 (PM) (check Discord for changes)
On 5 August 2023 @ 1400 (ish) the Wizards Nest (RZH-33N), operated by Cmdr OLD_CROW (friend in-game), will depart from the Devane system bound for HD 76133 (Anaconda's Graveyard, click HERE for details!) system!
The jump out will take approximately and hour and a half. We will stop at 2MASS J08512176+1144050 which has a neutron star for those who want to make the "normal" transit into HD 76133!
The Anaconda Graveyard is located (23.9, 81.4) on the surface of moon C orbiting planet 1.
The Wizards Nest will remain in orbit of planet 1 until the 15th or 16th of August. Giving everyone ample time to scan/land/explore the system.
Tritium has already been stockpiled for the trip. However anyone wishing to donate Tritium please contact OLD_CROW in-game or through Discord.
Any updates will be posted here, but please also check the "Elite Dangerous" channel on Carrumba's Discord server.
For further details, or if you have questions, contact OldCrowExpress (IGN: OLD_CROW) in game or join the Carrumba Discord server!
Update - 14 August 2023 @ 1500 - We have arrived back at Devane! Thanks to FDev for making this expedition so painful to run! Even coming back we had rediculous carrier jump times! I won't be jumping my carrier anywhere until FDev fix this!
Update - 6 August 2023 @ 0100 - We have arrived at HD 76133 after a very painful carrier journey. Thanks to FDev, each carrier jump took 1 hour 20 minutes. What should have been a 1.5 hour trip took almost 8 hours. But we're here! Let the exploration commence!