A collection of Google Photo Album's of various different things
Just a one-way trip to the Anaconda Graveyard
Every commander should visit Beagle Point at least once. This was my first visit.
An album of fleet carrier jumps as animated images
Dav's Hope is a ground station ideal for collecting low grade manufactured materials.
The second expedition was a counter-clockwise trip around the edge of the galaxy. Stopping at several key tourist spots. 12 commanders, 1 carrier, and many many hilarious moments!
The first expedition we had was to solve the Hyford's Cache mystery. With 6 commanders, 2 fleet carriers, jumping from the bubble to Colonia to Col 70 sector. Epic fun was had!
Every Friday, the amazing Commanders of Mauraders Vanguard get together to help new commanders earn billions of credits. More fun that you can imagine!
Purchasing and outfitting a Commander owned fleet carrier.
I bought a carrier for my alternate account. That was a mistake. Here is the decommissioning process.
There is an extinct race of beings called Guardian's. Each site is different, offering different rewards and materials.
Exploring the galaxy result in some amazing sites. Here we see the Grye Trees.
Every commander chooses an place they call "home". Hind Mine was my first home.
The most famous crash site in Elite Dangerous, also has the largest collection of encoded data.
There are many strange and wonderous things to see. In KOI 413 you can watch two gas giants collide over and over.
There are many different mega ships in Elite Dangerous, lets take a look at a few.
An incomplete album of all the ships I have built within Elite Dangerous!
Exploration in Elite Dangerous results in seeing systems and objects nobody has ever seen. When this happens, it's called a "First".
A bunch of us got together for a charity event organized by Pixey Wifey. Hilarity ensued!
A collection of pictures of the Planets, Stars and stellar objects that can be encountered in the Elite Dangerous galaxy.
Random ED content, in-game and out.
After a failed attempt to commit genocide of the Thargoids, by a man calling himself "Salvation", the Thargoids counter-attacked. I decided to explore the maelstroms.
A very rare type of Gas Giant which glows green for an unknown reason.
Thargoids are an alien race within ELite Dangerous. Friend or Foe, hard to determine.
Go to the Sol system and you can fly out to see Voyager One, Voyager Two and the New Horizons probe!
Creating the maze from the move "The Shining".